Thursday, July 15, 2010

EOC Week 1

Market research is basically indefinable as the book will tell it. With that being said, I have no expectations from this class other than to learn at the end of the quarter what exactly it is. I want to be able to identify target markets for not just fashion but I want to be able to look at any company and by researching just a little, tell who their target audience is and if they are in fact taking the right steps in reaching that audience. I want to learn what different avenues I can take in order to figure out what market to go after, where that market is, and how do I as the marketer reach them. What are the tools that a marketer can use in order to collect whatever data it is that they want to. Also, I want to be able to look at a company that has failed and analyze their marketing strategies, figuring out what they did wrong or what they didn’t do that could have helped them to be more successful.

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